Troubleshooting Retreaver

Troubleshooting List

This list covers frequently asked questions and common troubleshooting solutions.

Issue Solution
Dynamic Number Insertion is not working

View our DNI guide, the walkthrough will cover all steps necessary to enable DNI on your pages and start tracking calls. Ensure the Retreaver.js script is placed inside the <head> portion of your webpage.

Calls are not routing properly

This could be due to a variety of causes, visit your call log and scan for any unusual calls, click on the UUID of a call and analyze the call flow to determine the root cause of the problem. 

Endpoints are not receiving calls

Ensure your campaign routing settings are configured correctly to send calls to your endpoints.

Review any tags associated with a campaign or buyer to ensure valid matches can be made.

Endpoints might have lower weight/priority or have filled their cap.

View a call flow to see how calls are routed, it can help spot matching issues.

Calls are missing tags


Tags can be added through a variety of methods, ensure utilized methods are configured properly.


Unknown call noises

Unusual background noises, IVR echoes or dial tone sounds are usually the result of misconfigured call transfers or phone networks. If you experience this problem regularly from a specific publisher or call center, contact their departments to resolve the issue.

Poor Call Quality

Most commonly, the issue resides on the caller or endpoints carrier level. This poor connection between either party could occur intermittently due to a network error between the two carriers which typically resolve within a few hours.

If the issue persists, try and isolate the problem calls down to a particular endpoint, publisher or caller, if it is occurring from an endpoint or publisher - contact the responsible party and provide the call recordings so that they may investigate further to resolve the matter from their end.

If the issue appears to be tied to a specific Retreaver tracking number and you are sure it is not related to a particular endpoint, forward the number to Retreaver support for further diagnostics.

Error Processing Request

You may receive a "Error Processing Request" message when attempting to perform certain actions within Retreaver. This is often due to a miscommunication between your workstation and Retreaver's content delivery network. To resolve this error, clear your browser's cache and refresh the page.

Calls are unexpectedly disconnecting

View our "Why are my calls disconnecting" guide to learn how to diagnose connection issues for your Retreaver call campaigns.

Webhooks are not executing properly

View our "Troubleshooting Retreaver Webhooks" guide to learn how to diagnose webhook issues for your Retreaver call campaigns.

Calls are disconnecting consistently at a certain length

If you notice these calls come from the same publisher/endpoint, it likely stems from their call software prematurely disconnecting the call. 

For outside of or long duration calls that just suddenly disconnect this is usually a max conference setting on the publisher's end that has a maximum amount of time a transfer can be held open. This is a common problem with publisher's that use dialer systems.

That or the publisher transferring is using the wrong command to remove themselves from the call and keep the third party line active, and is hanging up on the publisher systems end which disconnects the call. Issues like that are publisher training issues on the publisher's side.


Retreaver Support

The Retreaver team is here to help with your support requests. Our ticket system organizes requests to get them seen by the best person to answer your questions.

🎫 Submit Your Support Requests here. 🎫

Support tickets are sent to our entire team in order to quickly find the best resolution to your request.

Please remember to link us to specific items in your account

We can help you faster and more efficiently when you provide a URL link to the calls and/or campaigns related to your questions. Each URL link from your browser's address bar switches us to your account so we can see the exact same thing you're looking at. It helps us better diagnose issues, whether it's calls not going through, or an endpoint not receiving calls.

Link us to a specific Campaign

Is it a question about a campaign? Send us the link by clicking on the Campaign and copying the URL. It would look like this: 

Linking to a specific Call

Is it a call that's not behaving like it should? Just click on the UUID in the Call Log and copy that URL inside a support request.

A link to a UUID would look more like this:


Book a demo with the Retreaver Team

We offer on-boarding sessions to help you familiarize with Retreaver's main functionalities.

Book a demo with the Retreaver team and we'll cover how to handle calls and campaigns in more detail. We can also assist with any specific integrations or features you wish to utilize.

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