Retreaver can dynamically display tracking numbers on your landing pages, this process is called Dynamic Number Insertion, or DNI for short. This involves adding a single script to the <head/> tag of your landing page which maps any parameters you are tracking and helps to determine which tracking number to present.
This feature is particularly helpful if you wish to control which tracking number to display on the page. The DNI script will display Number A for one affiliate, Number B for another affiliate, or Number C for certain search engine keywords. This offers users the ability to reuse the same webpage or lander across multiple traffic sources while still offering full advertisement attribution using source-tagged tracking numbers that are dynamically replaced on your page.
1) Create a Retreaver Campaign and Number Pool
Head into your Campaigns menu and click the Campaign ID of the campaign you want to track calls into. To get started, make sure the campaign has at least one active number pool associated with it, otherwise create a new number pool for your campaign.
Select "visitor tracking" in the number pool edit menu. Visitor tracking will allow real-time tracking for simultaneous visitors on your landing pages by allocating a unique number from your pool for each session on your landing page.
After the number pool has been created and configured, navigate into the Retreaver.js tab to start configuring the campaign for DNI.
2) Add Retreaver.js to the <head/> section of your webpage
Place the Retreaver.js snippet for this specific Campaign into the <head> section of your landing page. You can use the copy icon to copy the script to your clipboard for pasting.
Side note regarding Retreaver.js compatibility: Upon following to the end of this guide, The Retreaver.js script should work with your webpage right out of the box with most landing page providers. However some platforms or advanced landing pages might need to refine the Retreaver.js script to work with their existing webpages or their custom webpage logic.
Please feel free to contact the Retreaver Support team if you'd like assistance with troubleshooting this feature on your landing pages.
The Retreaver js script offers several advanced features that your landing pages could take advantage of outside of number replacement. To learn more about Retreaver js, you can view the 'How to Use Retreaver.js' guide.
3) Tell Retreaver which number(s) to replace on your page
Whether you have numbers embedded in your header, links, buttons or inside paragraph text on our landing page; Retreaver is able to replace any of them automatically to maintain a consistent number throughout your page.
Simply copy the number from your page and add to the Number Replacement section of your campaign's Retreaver.js settings, this will instruct the Retreaver API to scan for those specific digits on your webpage and replace them with your Retreaver tracking number.
The initial number on your page prior to dynamic replacement should be real and reachable. In the event that your number pool is maxed out, or the visitor is using adblock, only the original number will be displayed. We recommend using a static Retreaver number so your calls are still tracked.
4) Replacing Numbers with tagged sources or tag lists
The Retreaver DNI system will find and replace numbers on your page only if the source and taglist match with the inbound callers attributes.
If a Retreaver tracking number is tagged with a source, Retreaver will need to detect a "source_id" value on your page as an "affiliate_id" tag in order to successfully insert the Retreaver tracking number on your page.
This is to ensure that we only present the most applicable tracking number on your page. If Source ABC is sending traffic to your webpage, you would only present numbers representing that source on your content.
1) For this example, we have created a source/publisher which generated a unique "source_id" of "1fa34222".
2) Here we have a Retreaver tracking number which has been tagged with the above source. Retreaver will need to detect the source_id value on your page in order to supply this number to your web page.
3) Lastly we configure the campaign Parameter Mapping settings to fetch the tag value of "affiliate_id" using a URL parameter.
Note: You have the option of naming your URL parameters in anyway you see fit, for this demonstration we have created a new parameter mapper using the green button on the top right of the mapping menu: "traffic_source". Any incoming values from "traffic_source" will then be mapped back to Retreaver as an "affiliate_id" tag.
Now whenever a lead visits your page using "www.your-page.com/?traffic_source=1fa34222", Retreaver will be able to fetch an applicable number from your campaign using the provided source_id and replace it on your page.
5) Optional: Additional Parameter Mapping Configuration
Previously in step 4, we included URL parameter mapping on your campaign in order to tell Retreaver which number to display using an affiliate_id on your page. If you've also tagged numbers using the tag list, Retreaver will then also need to match with those tags in order to successfully present that number to the visitor.
Retreaver can also use your URL parameters to supply additional information and tag any inbound calls in your campaigns. View our parameter mapping guide to learn more about Retreaver's URL tracking & tagging capabilities.
6) Optional: Delay Replacement Number initialization time
If you have URL parameters that you intend to track, but could change values after the page has already loaded, you could delay the time that the number replacement action triggers. This will allow the script to store those URL parameter values and tag them to the presented number.
You can delay the following js action until your URL parameters have finished processing:
new Retreaver.Campaign({campaign_key:"example_campaign_key"})).auto_replace_numbers()
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