Retreaver makes it simple to give Publishers and Buyers access to all the necessary functionality they need to track their calls. Through Publisher and Buyer roles, you can grant secure access to your partners and help them efficiently collaborate with you.
Affiliates and Buyers are able to login to Retreaver as collaborators and can view their own dashboard and Call Log. They can run reports on their calls and even interact with our API, all under the security provided by their permission-restricted role.
Do not share your login information with anyone, we have implemented systems to collaborate with other users safely in a controlled environment.
Retreaver Collaboration Overview
Publisher Role
Publishers are used in the Retreaver system to segment call traffic by source. You can use the Publisher role to grant access to the parties responsible for driving your traffic.
The publisher role allows you granular control over which campaigns and phone numbers each publisher has access to. Publishers can only create new phone numbers if your per-affiliate "number cap" allows it and only for campaigns that they have been manually granted permission to access.
Publishers can view calls that were generated through any phone numbers that were assigned to them, but only limited information as defined by the collaborating publisher's permissions. Any calls that were generated before they were granted access to a phone number will not be visible to them.
Default Publisher Permissions
Collaborating publishers can view certain call details from calls that they generated. By default publishers will not be able to view which endpoint/buyer processed their calls.
Buyer Role
Buyers represent the final destination that call traffic will be routed into. If you aren't selling your traffic to others, you might wish to use the Buyer role to grant access to your calls' recipients, such as individual stores, branches, or call center managers instead.
When creating or editing a Buyer, you can invite them to collaborate with you by entering their name and e-mail address under the collaboration field. Once they accept the invite, we'll only give them access to calls that are routed to Buyer's associated with them. They won't be granted access to any calls that were unanswered by them and sent somewhere else.
Buyers are granted access to any calls that have been routed to them. Buyers can run reports, listen to call recordings, and conduct their own data analysis.
Default Buyer Permissions
Collaborating buyers can view call details from any calls that they processed. By default buyers will not be able to view which publisher generated the call.
How to invite a publisher or buyer as a collaborator
View our "How to create collaborators" guide to learn how to invite Publishers or Buyers to collaborate with you. They'll be sent a confirmation email, and will then be able to interact with your account through their own logins with permissions specified.
Inviting a collaborator. Click + Invite from the collaborator screen to add a new collaborator. Enter their name and e-mail address, and select which Publishers and/or Buyers you want the collaborator to act as in Retreaver. Once you click Invite at the bottom of the form, we'll invite your collaborator by email.
We suggest you continue on below to configure this newly created collaborators permissions.
How to configure collaborator permissions
Looking to configure permissions for your collaborators? There are various ways to pre-set default permissions as well as customize individual collaborators to ensure they have access to the call information they require.
View our guide to learn more about customizing permissions: How to Modify Collaborator Permissions
How to switch into newly assigned roles as a collaborator
In order for new collaborators to view any campaigns or calls associated with their account, collaborators must switch from their own Retreaver account into an assigned role provided by the collaborating company.
View our "Why can't my Collaborators see calls?" article to learn how to switch across assigned roles for collaborating accounts.
How to add data to calls as a collaborator
Collaborators have various methods of attaching data as tags to calls:
For Call Sources ( Publishers ):
Publishers are able to attach tags to calls using Parameter Mapping. Retreaver is able to scan for certain keywords in a landing page URL managed by your publishers and then assign those keywords as tags to any resulting calls that are generated using the displayed tracking number on their page. Parameter mapping is typically used to capture the affiliate ID of page in order to supply a publisher matching tracking number from your campaign.
Publishers can also take advantage of Call Data Writing in order to send a webhook containing various data attributes. Call Data Writing is typically used to send data into Retreaver before a call is processed by a campaign.
For Call Handlers ( Call Buyers ):
Call buyers are able to manually confirm conversion and also attach additional tags to a call after it has been processed using a Buyer Postback webhook. A Buyer Postback can be used to confirm conversions, supply a revenue amount and include any final call data attributes gathered as the call was being processed.
How To Add Co-Administrators And Superusers
Superusers are individuals that you grant highly privileged access to your Company. These Superusers are effectively co-administrators; able to create, update, and delete items in the Company, just like the owner. The only thing Superusers cannot do is remove the owner from the company.
View our guide to learn more about adding Co-Administrators And Superusers:
How To Add Co-Administrators And Superusers
How to remove collaborators and superusers
View our "How to remove Collaborators and Superusers" guide if you wish to remove collaborators from your personal company.
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