Alerts Configuration and Terminology


The alerts page is intended to provide you with real time updates surrounding your account activity. You do not need to access this page in order to be alerted of a new event. A red notification icon will be displayed above the alerts symbol when there is something new to view.


In order to get a detailed explanation of what alerts are available, access the page by clicking on the symbol. From there, click on “Configure Alerts” to see all options available.

Configure Alerts 

Call Failures

Call failure notifications are helpful in the event that you have a percentage of calls that are not going through successfully. We found it extremely important to have a system in place to notify our users if something goes wrong. Here, you can set the percentage of failed calls that are reached before the notification is sent. Simply click on the number displayed to configure what percentage you desire. Please make sure to turn the toggle on to the right when you want to turn this notification on.

Target Near Cap

We understand that monitoring all campaign interaction can be difficult. Especially if you have multiple buyers, publishers or campaigns. In order to remedy this, we have given you the ability to be notified when a target or target group is close to reaching their hard, daily, or monthly cap. Once again make sure to turn the toggle on to the right if you want to activate this feature. Also remember that you can configure this section by clicking on the underlined language.

Alert Logs


Alert logs are intended to provide you with a more detailed explanation of the alert and the ability to find out the exact cause. You can click on the specific cause or use the clear button under action to remove that alert completely. You are also provided the date in which this event took place and the type of alert that it is.

If you would like to find a specific alert, you can use the search bar to type in a keyword or you can use the records per page option to expand the amount of results displayed.

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